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Yazidi Genocide Survivors' Conference
YLN is proud to announce that it will be hosting the Yazidi Genocide Survivors’ Conference to commemorate the upcoming 10th anniversary of the Yazidi genocide. Find the attached agenda and registration link below!

Volunteer Board Members
We are looking for volunteer board members to join our team. If you are interested, please reach out to us via info@yazidilegalnetwork.org

Statement about the case of German IS-woman Jennifer W.
Statement of Farida Global Organization and the Yazidi Legal Network about the case of Jennifer W., a German IS-woman who, earlier this week, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for the death of a 5-year-old Yazidi child.

Commemoration of the 2014 genocide against the Yazidis
On the 3rd of August, Yazidi Legal Network and the International Commission on Missing Persons - ICMP organised a commemoration for the 2014 genocide against the Yazidis.

Recognition of crimes committed against the Yazidi as genocide
The Dutch Parliament has voted in favour of recognising the crimes committed against the Yazidis as a Genocide. Yazidi Legal Network welcomes this decision taken by the Dutch Parliament, a decision we have strongly been pushing for.

Support Yezidi refugees with food packages
Maatschappelijke Ondersteuning Yazidi's (MOY) and the Moqimi Foundation are working in the Iraqi Kurdistan region and the region of Sinjar to provide help to Yazidis in IDP camps, including giving them food packages.

GoFundMe by the students from the Calandlyceum Technasium
Find out more on how to help the Yazidi.

Police are looking for Syrian war criminals in the Netherlands
If you have information about crimes committed during this incident, individuals or groups involved, or information about other offenses involving this group or individuals, please get in touch. The police are particularly interested in information about persons involved who may be in the Netherlands

Internal training on cultural sensitivity and interviewing protocols
YLN seeks to actively build its expertise on the Yazidi and other related topics to further enhance the quality of our work. Therefore, last week our team received training from a highly experienced professional on the topics of cultural sensitivity and interviewing protocols.

YLN was awarded funding
We are very happy to announce that the General Database project by Yazidi Legal Network was awarded funding by the Amsterdam University Fund.

YLN Genocide recognition campaign
As part of our political lobby project, YLN has sent letters to a number of Dutch politicians to discuss how to work together on achieving justice for the Yazidi in the Netherlands.

De Groene Amsterdammer article
About 65 Dutch people with jihadist intentions returned from Syria and Iraq. Laura H.'s case shows how difficult it is to know what they did there. But the chances of finding evidence are increasing.

Yazidis about the return of Dutch IS supporters
If you are interested to find out how the Yezidis in the Netherlands feel about the possible trial and return of IS supporters watch this video published by NOS.nl

Our podcast ‘Yazidi Voices’ is online!
The goal of the podcast is to promote the Yazidi cause, raise awareness and give Yazidis a platform to share their story. On one hand, we will have episodes with Yazidi testimonials and interviews. While on the other hand, have more technical and legal interviews on what genocide is or what kind of legal framework could be used to enhance accountability for international crimes.

Waarom krijgt Laura H. wel aandacht, maar de Yezidi’s nauwelijks?
Zes jaar na de genocide op de Yezidi’s in Irak lijkt de aandacht voor hen af te nemen. Terwijl de belangstelling aan het begin naar de slachtoffers uitging, nemen de verhalen over de daders nu een dominante rol in het debat in Nederland in.
Benjamin Duerr - De Kanttekening

Yazidi Legal Network and Yazda
For International Day of Commemoration and Dignity of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and of the Prevention of this Crime, Yazidi Legal Network and Yazda have partnered to bring you a lecture on: Accountability and crimes against the Yazidis. During this lecture different speakers, including one survivor, will discuss the crimes committed as well as how to assist victims of genocide and challenges and opportunities of finding legal accountability.

Lecture: Crimes Against the Yazidi
YLN is invited by Amnesty International Student Group Utrecht to give a lecture on the crimes committed against the Yazidi community. The speakers will introduce audience to the YLN, the Yazidi community, crimes committed against them and raise awareness of the issues Yazidi are confronted with in Europe. In addition to that, YLN ambassador will share his story and the experiences of those closest to him.
Joint NGO Statement on Iraq to Commemorate International Day for Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief, 22 August 2020
On this day set aside to commemorate victims of acts of violence based on religion or belief around the world, we stand together as civil society actors to honour those who have been persecuted and killed in Iraq for their religion or beliefs. Since the 2003 US-led invasion, Iraq has suffered internecine conflict and state collapse, degrading a once rich cradle of ancient ethno-religions and cultures.
See full document on the Yazda website.
info@nobodys-listening.com media@yazda.org

Why prosecutors and victims are benefitting from cumulating charges against returning foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs), members of ISIS and its affiliates, for core international crimes.
Extremely important message from our Mr. Matevz Pezdirc, Head of Genocide Network secretariat. He highlights why prosecutors and victims are benefitting from cumulating charges against returning foreign terrorist fighters (FTFs), members of ISIS and its affiliates, with genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes, so-called core international crimes. We support this message and encourage war crime units and prosecutors across the world to further dedicate their efforts in light of this message.
Global Rights Compliance BIS App Training for Yazidi Legal Network
On may the 11th, 2020 we had our second training with Global Rights Compliance LLP on investigating and documenting international crimes. The training, hosted by GRC's Ruby Axelson and Carolyn Edgerton, outlined the 10 Essential Investigative Rules that must be adhered to throughout all investigative activities, including the principles of do no harm, obtain informed consent and ensure confidentiality.
These Tech Companies Managed to Eradicate ISIS Content. But They're Also Erasing Crucial Evidence of War Crimes
An interesting article by Billy Perrigo on Crusial Evidence of War Crimes.

Partnership with Global Rights Compliance
Yazidi Legal Network is pleased to announce its partnership with the Global Rights Compliance. GRC has provided the Yazidi Legal Network with basic training on How to Use the Basic Investigative Standards App ('BIS'), and will be conducting a series of further trainings on the standards contained within the BIS APP, including the 10 Essential Investigative Rules.
The BIS App can be downloaded for free via Apple or Android stores by searching ‘GRC BIS’ or by scanning the QR codes. See for more information on the GRC's innovative BIS App.

Dalal Ghanim on Laura H Interview.
Jezidi-vrouw Dalal Ghanim walgt van Laura H.-interview: ‘Dit klopt niet’